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Showing posts from March, 2017

How Did We Get Here?

Many people have asked me how I learned about the MTHFR gene mutation. The answer is not an easy one, and hard to give briefly and clearly. It wasn’t until Mr Foxy’s 1 year old check-up that he was tested and we got the positive test results, but there were “red flags” since the day he was born that lead me on a path to MTHFR, and they mostly related to midline defects. Think of it as if someone drew a line from your head down, separating the left side of your body from the right. Any defects along this imaginary line are midline defects. There are a wide range of midline defects, but many well-known ones include: Lip and tongue ties Sacral dimple Congenital umbilical hernia Cleft lip and palate Spina bifida Heart murmers and many other heart defects Mr Foxy has several midline defects that I researched as he grew in an effort to educate myself on what his defects were, and what concerns they might present as he grows. I didn’t set out to learn all about